Pin-Bhaba Pass Trek

Passage between two distinct worlds

Duration: 5 Days

Availability: May-Oct

Price: starting from 14000₹ (INR) per person

Trek Details

The Pin Bhaba Pass Trek is a unique passage between two distinct worlds. On one side the green and alive Bhaba valley in Kinnaur, on the other side the dry and spare Pin valley in Spiti (the cold desert). On the highest point of the trek, the pass at 4'915M (16125ft), you get rewarded with the look into those two very different words at the same time. The panoramic view on the pass with the flourishing greens on one site and the cold, browns on the other site, is an experience unlike any other. All that while you are standing in the middle of the snow on Baba Pass. This is the reason Pin-Bhaba Pass trek is our most favorite trek in the Indian Himalayan mountains!

The trail starts at the charming little Himalayan village of Kafnu (2'500M / 8200ft) in Kinnaur Valley. Then you will go over 4 days slowly up to 4915M (16125ft) and the descend down to the other side until the little village Mudh. You will experience a multitude of different terrains and landscapes over a span of 5 days. First the trail will take you through dense forests. After that you will see the wide and green lands of the Kinnaur valley. Many shepherd come here with their sheep because of the beautiful green grass. You will walk on the shepherd's trails and follow the river always higher up. After the pass the landscape changes drastically into a brown grey desert. Be prepared for an overstimulation of all your senses on this trek!

But not only you can experience the stunning differences in landscape, but also the difference of Himalayan cultures. As you travel from Kinnaur valley to Spiti you will see the differences in lifestyle, structures of houses and communities. On the way we will also explain you many things about the history and culture of this valley.

With all the beautify, this trek falls more towards the difficult end of moderate. The length and certain parts of the path make it tough for firs timers. Nevertheless when you are physically fit it is also possible when this is your first trek. But we recommend this trek more for trekkers who have already some experience in the mountains .

The best time to do the Bin-Bhaba pass trek is from Mid-May to the end of September. It is one of the few treks in the Himalayas which can be done during monsoon (July, August). Surely you will get more wet during this time, but on the other hand the grass is the greenest and the most flowers flourish during this time. This can make the Bin Bhaba trek even more special.

Notice: Pin-Bhaba Pass trek is a 5 day trek with also 5 nights. On day 5 we will camp once again near the village Mudh. In the morning of day 6, after breakfast, you can go again your own ways or on request we will provide a transport for you with our vehicles.

Departure & Return Location

Departure from Kafnu / Return at Mudh

Pickup from or drop to other locations can be arranged on request


4915m / 16125ft

Package includes

  • All meals during the trek. From lunch on day one to lunch on last day.

  • English speaking guide

  • First aid kit

  • Sleeping bag. If you have your own sleeping bag (comfort zone rating at around 0°) you are welcome to bring your own. This is always better for hygienic reasons.

  • Sleeping mat

  • Tent

  • Cooking equipment

  • All park entrance fees and trekking permits

  • Porters and animals to carry heavy equipment

Package excludes

  • Transportation to or from Kafnu

  • Your personal backpack

  • India Visa fee

  • Any flights

  • Travel insurance

  • Anything which is NOT mentioned in the “Inclusions”


Day 1 - Kafnu to Mulling

Starting from Kafnu we walk the first two hours on a motorable road along the Bhaba river. With its sharp turns and high falls, we will hear and see the river throughout the day. During the first two hours you will see from time to time old avalanches of snow covering the river.

With a length of around 10km, a height of 900M (2950ft) and a duration of 7-8 hours this first day will be quite challenging. It will be a long but steady incline with patches of slight descend, giving you enough time to get your heartbeat back to normal. But make yourself ready for one of the most beautiful treks ever.

Just short into the trek you will see a dam with Indias first underground hydro power generator. After that we will enter the forest with silver birch, oak and pine trees. It's a dens and fabulous forest where you can hear everywhere the births with their chirpy sound. From time to time you will get a view up or down the valley which leads to stunning pictures. During our incline we will also cross the river on bridges made by unsupported logs placed next to each other.

Around one hour before we reach our campsite we will leave the forest behind us and get a view on the wonderful green lands of Bhaba valley, with the river flowing through it. In this truly unique view with forest, river, green grass and mountains we will walk until our campsite right next to the river. The campsite is extremely pleasant and if you are tired from the walk you will forget that in a minute. With some hot tea and a warm meal you can enjoy the beautiful sunset alongside the river and green meadows.

Day 2 - Mulling to Kara lake

Even though today will be a little bit shorter compered to yesterday, it is definitely not less interesting. After a breakfast we have a gradual ascent through the meadows and sometimes also rocky path until we arrive at an amazing waterfall.

The ascent continuous and after some time you will hear the loud sound of the river, but will see no river, just rocks, snow and trees. This is a natural phenomenon called subterranean river, where the river flows underground. Take the most of this exceptional phenomenon, because now there will be a steep ascent.

After this ascent you will be rewarded with the view onto other grasslands surrounded by high mountains. But before we reach or campsite we have to walk further into the valley and cross multiple water streams, flowing down from melting snow and springs.

Our campsite is again at an extraordinary place, right beside a small lake where you can see, as long it doesn't wind to much, the reflections of the surrounding. Surrounded by green meadows and mountains covered by snow we will cook some tea and enjoy for the rest of the day this stunning panorama.

Day 3 - Kara lake to Fustirang

This is is the shortest day of our trek, but with a seep incline. The trek will start with multiple river crossings. We have to cross the multiple streams crisscrossing through the meadows. This may mean that we have to take off our shoes and walk barefoot through the river so that our shoes don't get wet. Teamwork is required because water streams can be strong and it will also be a chilly water adventure. After that follows a steep incline. Once we let the steep ascent behind us we will enter an other land of meadows lying alongside glaciers. On our way you can enjoy the beautiful scenery, because we are surrounded by majestic mountains.

Day 4 - Fustirang to Mangrungche via Bhaba pass

Finally, this is probably the most exiting day of our trek. Our crossing of the pass is just a few hours away. Today you will notice a drastic change when we are entering the cold desert of Spiti.

From our campsite to the pass will be a continuous steep ascent. Specially because of the low oxygen this will be a challenging ascent. But once reached the pass it will be worth all effort. From here you can see back to the green Bhaba valley and forward the so called cold desert with its dry, beige mountains.

The descent is steep and risky. We will be careful and take us time for the climb down. Because it's on the shadow side there will be also a lot of snow. After some hours of descent we will arrive at our campsite.

Day 5 - Mangrungche to Mudh

This is the last day of our trek. It's your last change to breath the air in the astonishing mountains. With 17 km of descent it is also the longest day. On our way we will cross again some rivers and enjoy the amazing trail here. In the late afternoon we will reach Mudh. A village surrounded with beautiful nature. A little bit outside the village we will do our last camp. On the next day you can either go by your own (taxi, public bus) to your next destination in India or we can arrange a transport with our vehicles for you.


Additional Infos

If you have any questions, please visit our FAQ page. Maybe you find there your answer. Otherwise just contact us and we happily answer your questions.

After you booked a trek at Mount Sinai Adventure, make sure to check the instructions page before you leave your home.

To make sure you didn't forget anything, visit our packing list.

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