a person on a huge rock at Kara lake in Bhaba valley

About us

Mount Sinai Adventure is a trekking and tour agency in Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh, India. We offer trekking tours in our wonderful mountains and also provide rooms with bed and attached washroom for homestay. Our core team consists of Balabir Negi (manager) and Pravesh Negi (founder of the agency and guide). In addition, we have other various guides, porters and horses for carrying our stuff.

Mount Sinai is the mountain where God gave the 10 commandments to his people. Because mount Sinai is a big mountain and here we also have big mountains we where inspired from there and chose this name four our agency. So now you know why our agency has the name Mount Sinai Adventure even though we are far away from the mount Sinai which is located in Egypt.

Why Mount Sinai Adventure?

Here at Mount Sinai Adventure we care about our customers. Our highest priority is to provide you good service so you can have a wonderful holiday experience. Your safety is very important to us and it is our desire to make you happy. We are always glad when you arrive happy and safe at your home after a tour with us.

Because we care about your safety we always make backup plans in advance so in case of emergency we know what to do and can provide only the best for you. We also always ask for emergency contact, so your relatives are informed quickly in the rare case of an accident or any other emergency.

We are mountain people, we grew up here and still live here. We know our mountains very well and can show you the most interesting places while keeping you safe. On the way we will also give you interesting information about the history of our valley and give in insights into our culture like others couldn't do.

Because we are happy when you are happy, we also enjoy it when you want to come a second time and we will provide you a discount.

A huge advantage is also, that we don't put you in groups together with other people. When you book a tour with Mount Sinai Adventure its only you and your friends together with our guides and porters. Like this we can focus on your needs and wishes. We give our best that you have a trek that you will never forget and always look back happily.